हालसालैका लेखहरु : उड्ने रहर छ,(उमा शर्मा ) तब पो दशैं आउँथ्यो,(गोतामे साँहिलो) नाप्नै सकिएन ,(रजनी श्रेष्ठ) धेरै सिकायो यो कोरोनाले,(उमा शर्मा) गिद्धहरु रमाउँदैछन्,(बासु श्रेष्ठ) आव्हान,(रजनी श्रेष्ठ) ग्रीन कार्ड,(सुदीपभद्र खनाल) लश्कर,(गोविन्द गिरी प्रेरणा) अभिनन्दन !!!!,(ऋषिराम अर्याल) गड्यौला उर्फ सत्यराज ,(कृष्ण बजगाईं )

A Rose in My Garden

Diffident Guy, (Kathmandu, Nepal)

A rose b replica handbags lossomed in my curtilage
It was so delicate and bright
Its beauty thrilled me
Its redolence sated me with delight
After a few days I replica handbags  found
The same rose
Dwelling meekly on the ground
It was veneered with dust
Its  replica watches uk splendor was gone
Its fragrance was lost
I did not feel good
So I asked the rose plant,
“Why were rolex replica watches  you so rude?”
“It is not my fault”,
Heedlessly it said,
“Roses are to bloom, roses are to fade”
Then I asked the rose,
“Don’t you feel the pain?”
With a smile, it answered,
“I will bloom again.”


सम्पर्क माध्यम

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