हालसालैका लेखहरु : उड्ने रहर छ,(उमा शर्मा ) तब पो दशैं आउँथ्यो,(गोतामे साँहिलो) नाप्नै सकिएन ,(रजनी श्रेष्ठ) धेरै सिकायो यो कोरोनाले,(उमा शर्मा) गिद्धहरु रमाउँदैछन्,(बासु श्रेष्ठ) आव्हान,(रजनी श्रेष्ठ) ग्रीन कार्ड,(सुदीपभद्र खनाल) लश्कर,(गोविन्द गिरी प्रेरणा) अभिनन्दन !!!!,(ऋषिराम अर्याल) गड्यौला उर्फ सत्यराज ,(कृष्ण बजगाईं )

म त लाछि जस्तै

भारती गौतम, (बोस्टन)


Basu Shrestha

Dear Shankar dai,
It was our great pleasure to have you in our bimonthly gotshi. Thanks for being with us. I sure will convey your message to rest of our member friends.

Shanker Kumar Shrestha

Thanks a lot for your kindness to enlist my name as a guest. It was really a wonderful event for me and I enjoyed from the very core of my heart. I could see all of you very friendly and open to share feeling with and within oneness of Gosthi members. I shall surely keep this memory fresh and constant. Kindly, convey my warm regards to all members of Gosthi. Especially thanks go to Rabindra-Rajani Shrestha for their invitation and warm hospitality.

सम्पर्क माध्यम

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